Home Health Aides (HHA)

What is a Home Health Aide?

Home health aides are skilled and certified caregivers who offer patients and people with disabilities in-home care and assistance. Along with other non-medical services, they help people with daily tasks like washing, clothing, cleaning, communicating, and moving around. HHAs receive significant training in caring for elderly people, unlike personal companions.

Who are Community HAs?

As a registered home care business, Caregiver Pro Homecare utilizes a variety of HHA caregivers to guarantee that our customers receive the best possible in-home care from a qualified and skilled worker. Our HHAs are qualified and trained in accordance with the standards and requirements set out by the New York State Department of Health. They will go through orientation after receiving their certification to work as home health aides to make sure they are prepared to start providing our customers with the highest standard of care.
We search for the ideal match when assigning a caregiver to a patient or client to ensure a positive and healthy interaction between the caregiver and patient. We can discover the ideal caregiver for any patient or client thanks to our large database of them.

What services are offered by HHAs?

Home health aides are qualified and trained to offer a wide range of support so that the person receiving care can lead a more fulfilling life. Being close by to help the client with many of the everyday obligations and tasks gives them peace of mind so they can concentrate on healing and being their former, fully capable selves. While the HHA does not offer medical support, they do help the client with a lot of the daily tasks that they might find difficult. Here is a list of some of the various services that our home health aides offer.
Here is a list of some of the various services our home health aides offer:

Personal Support


Home Chores

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